Chop the scallions, onion, and garlic, and slice the zucchini into moon or quarter shapes, and the mushrooms thinly.
Cut the kimchi to bitesize using scissors and a bowl, and roughly chop the pork to bitesize as well.
In high heat, add oil to the ttukbaegi and saute a tablespoon of scallions, 2 tablespoons of onion, and garlic. Soute this until fragrant.
Add pepper powder and pepper flakes, then mix it thoroughly until it forms a paste.
Add water and let the water boil.
Season the soup with soy sauce, fish sauce, and hondashi, then taste and adjust with salt and pepper.
Add pork and chopped kimchi, and let it boil until cooked and the flavors are infused.
Add the vegetables, and let boil until slightly cooked.
Add tofu, break into 4 big chunks, and let boil until the soup is a bit absorbed.
Garnish with scallions and egg.
Serve boiling hot and enjoy!