Prepare the seaweed and rice: Divide the nori sheets into quarters. Cook rice, let it cool a bit, then season with salt, sesame oil, and sesame seeds—mix it well.
Prepare the vegetables: Chop carrots, yellow radishes, burdock roots, and cucumbers into thin, equal matchstick sizes. Saute the carrots in oil and a bit of salt until it is cooked but has retained its crunch. Do not overcook it!
In a quarter sheet of seaweed, spread a small handful of rice evenly, leaving about 1/2-1 inch without rice on one side.
Place 2-3 sticks of each veggie on the bottom part of the rice.
Roll up the seaweeds and tuck in all the vegetables as you roll. Keep rolling and tucking until you reach the empty space of the seaweed—use that to lock the kimbap.
Repeat the process until you finish all the ingredients, then brush the kimbap with some sesame oil and drizzle sesame seeds all over it.
Combine blue cheese mustard, soy sauce, vinegar, corn syrup, and a little bit of water. Mix it well, dip the kimbap, and enjoy!